saya keluar ke jusco bkt raja ngan kakak diatas=seniorku... akak amek saya dirumah at 10lbh begitu..then shoot g tgk nite at museum..then akak blanja saya makan seperti diatas :) thanx akak... (ni mesti k.mys suh :P)
akak bawakan jam yg saya beli di UK dulu.saya tak dpt bwa bersame krn brg sgt manyk maka ditinggalkn bersama k.mys..thanx to kakmysara krn mencadgkn fossil ini n kebetulan titus ku ilang di paris... (ilang ke?) huhu
akak juga bg saya coklat frm UK+Paris+Germany..seperti diatas..dan saya sgt suke :X akak diatas sgt smgt menghupdet blog tentang pengembaraan nye.., maka tidak perlu bg saya utk menghupdet ag, sila la ke sane... note:akuyangsediamalas
haha, malunyeee! dahla bg yang mix and match nye chocs, well, hope u like em nway ;)
the PENGUIN chocs are MY FAMILY's favourite! since we were small, my dad would always buy and we grew up loving these biscuit chocs and until now, mai would always buy for us and i pun borong when i was there! besh sgt!
fyi, mai did not ask me to belanja you, i wanted to, hehe, because you were such a BIG help! mai had a lot of informative things from her friends but i had so much information from you and i appreciate every single details. the same with kak zahrah, we followed your advice and your name was always frequently mentioned in our trips.
the belanja part was nothing compared to what u have given us, as when you told us all that u know, u acted very selfless and in return, our trip became more fruitful so THANK YOU MORE THAN WORDS!
uuuhh. coklat.
dan saya juga teruja tngok coklat itu...
bak kata kamu, ubat stress...
haha, malunyeee! dahla bg yang mix and match nye chocs, well, hope u like em nway ;)
the PENGUIN chocs are MY FAMILY's favourite! since we were small, my dad would always buy and we grew up loving these biscuit chocs and until now, mai would always buy for us and i pun borong when i was there! besh sgt!
fyi, mai did not ask me to belanja you, i wanted to, hehe, because you were such a BIG help! mai had a lot of informative things from her friends but i had so much information from you and i appreciate every single details. the same with kak zahrah, we followed your advice and your name was always frequently mentioned in our trips.
the belanja part was nothing compared to what u have given us, as when you told us all that u know, u acted very selfless and in return, our trip became more fruitful so THANK YOU MORE THAN WORDS!
i'm glad we got closer because of Paris :)
nak jugak! :P
isya: 'teringt abi awak blk lik satu beg coklat pnuh'
misz ACCA: *nyum3* pasni stress wat akaun kite bg coklat je
wanderfulmadnificent: sgt suke ngeeh.. tp nape kite tak jumpe penguin chocs pn? ke sbb asyk g pounland je..daim chocs besh n murah!!!
murni: kat bandung ade ak?mesti ag murah an?heh
wuhuu...nape wan tak kasi kita coklat penguin tu...nak juga wan.....
cantikla jam awak nadz....mahal tak? hehehehe
nadiahazhari : heh, penguin chocs nyum3.. cantik ek? :p kte beli 21 euro je.haha
kalo 21 euro bpe duit mesianyer??
dlm rm 105 :)
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